
Thursday 27 December 2012

#19: Superfood - Black Coffee

Happened to pop by The Star @ Buona Vista today
since I was in the area... 
[went to NUH for a post-surgery follow up]

and look what I found~
A cafe opened by OWL!
Yeap, it's the same brand popular for its coffee and tea products sold in all the supermarkets

a large cup for $1.90 only
I always start my mornings with a nice big cup of black coffee
or Kopi-o-kosong, i.e. coffee without milk & sugar

it helps to kick start my sluggish digestive system after entire night of sleep
helpful for people suffering from constipation
and also most importantly, to boost metabolism ^^

here's a compilation of the benefits of drinking coffee that I found:

  • Rich in anti-oxidants that aid in weight loss
  • The caffeine content affects the metabolic rate of the body aiding in energy production with the burning of body fats
  • Provides minimal no. of calories to the body. Black coffee is basically a calorie-free beverage, so you can enjoy it anytime even while dieting
  • Makes you more alert and gives you extra energy to workout for long. Increase in workout burns more calories, thus reduces weight
  • Temporarily decreases your desire to eat by suppressing your appetite. It has caffeine which stimulates the release of CCK, an appetite suppressant hormone. CCK delays the onset of hunger and promotes a feeling of fullness.
  • Coffee has a diuretic effect, which causes a short-term weight loss because it lowers the overall body weight, but not fat  by decreasing the amount of fluid you are holding. This is beneficial for women who retain more water during menstruation.
  • Caffeine also promotes lipolysis, a process of fonversion of fat into fatty acids.
  • Black coffee helps to flush out your stool. Coffee is a coarse fiber food and acts as a mild cathartic agent which has a rapid effect. Only 4 minutes after drinking coffee, gastric peristalsis begins and this causes weight loss.
  • It promotes the decomposition of hidden fat. The fatty acids and the muscle will be absorbed into the body releasing energy, and aid in losing weight.
  • Black coffee can also promote cardiovascular circulation.
  • The smell of coffee can provide emotional stability too as it improves the sensitivity of your organs. A cup of black coffee can improve work efficiency and this can lead to  weight loss, as you in a better mood to have more physical exercise.
Other than weight loss, black coffee also helps to prevent a number of other illnesses,
such as Parkinson's, Colon Cancer, Stroke etc.

So next time when you're out and about, grab a cup of black coffee instead of the normal sugary drinks
when at....
coffeeshop/foodcourt - kopi-o-kosong
cafe - americano/long black/espresso

it may taste extremely bitter at first, but you'll grow to love it 
this way, you can truly enjoy the delicate coffee aroma of diff coffee varieties
& become a true coffee lover ;)
this girl loves her big cups of joe
p.s. havent been blogging regularly lately. will do update soon on what i'd been munching on this past xmas weekend and the friday before that!! 
(because it was 冬至, and tradition is to eat chinese dumplings or tang yuan depending on where your ancestors are from) ^^
but seriously, been feasting far too much as of late. it is time to control my never-ending appetite. 


  1. I don't have much time in the morning, so I usually grab the black coffee from UCC at Cheers, they're 2 bucks for 2 and come in cute little cans

    I hope your surgery went well Kylie! :)

  2. Thanks nic! haha but the cyst that I cut off from under my tongue seems to have grown back so may have to go back to the hospital again...:(

  3. :O How did the cyst come about? Does it hurt? Is there a way for doctors to permanently remove it? Btw, Happy 2013! I hope the cyst didn't ruin the holidays for you :x


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