

Story of My Life (most popular post)

Girl, 20
7th December 1993
Full-time Accountancy student at Nanyang Business School (NTU)
Healthy Lifestyle Enthusiast
Freelance Model

Instagram: zxnanooo

Trying my best to lead a healthy lifestyle since July 2010,
Lost 45kg to date! 100% through changing my eating habits and exercise. (:
What motivated me?
-A close friend who once said this to me "if you ever can lose weight, pigs will fly"

How I used to look like:
Believe it. 
2 years after that and 45kg lighter, I wanted to give myself a chance to start life again (REBORN).
Meet new people, new life experiences, share my story etc.

SOO...I joined a certain competition...The Newpaper New Face 2012!!
in which I managed to attain 1st runner-up and 3 other subsidiary titles.
never in a million years, would I ever dream of achieving this.
extremely filled with gratitude, thank you 'the creator' so much for everything you've blessed me with.
NPNF finals at Taka, 4th Oct 2012
Not a bad start to a new life I must say, but this is only the stepping stone.
I'm starting a blog because I want to keep memories of this new life I'm venturing into close...
So bear with me guys, if you think I'm TERRIBLE at this blogging thing, I'm new at this.

"Humility, always remember there is someone better than you no matter how good you are, this way we leave ourselves further room for improvement."


  1. if there's a will, there's a way. well done girl! you just motivated me to do the same! self-discipline! :D

  2. u r really n amazing writer
    i always wanted to click pictures of me n post it without being scared or embarrassed
    u really motivated me
    u go girl

  3. You are truly amazing. Really. I know so many people's told you this already, but I think you are going to be my personal role model.

  4. You just gave me the inspiration I needed. I'm glad that you have a blog for me to always look back to whenever I don't feel good about myself. Wish you well in everything you do!

  5. You're an inspiration to many! Determination and perseverance, the keys to success!
    You remind me of the hit Korean movie, 200 Pounds Beauty:) Don't know if you've watched that. The protagonist was like you:)


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